研究生英语 综合教程(上)词汇表

研究生英语 综合教程(上)词汇表
adore tune out sweat out pull up lie in state for that matter come along be content with at any rate account for westbound waterfront vibration usher undertaking expunge tack sustenance stimulus stifling splashy spectacle somewise sloop siren sanctuary rejuvenation rejuvenate queer penetrating overwhelming morale metropolis liner largess lapel insulate inflict impart grail gladiator forsake forlorn forgo fit exotic execute excess exalted evangelist enact emanation editorial ebb dubious distraction deficiency deed cornice convention conserve compact clown bolero bestow arena adaptation fit into a host of understaffed turmoil terrain stressor squabble severity severe overload magnitude juggle irritation hassle compromise cognitive chronic adaption yogi well-being tout strenuous stamina sedentary reiterate reimburse prop prevalent prestigious practitioner posture nominal meditation innovator indicator hypertension disciplined cardiologist artifact align adherent adept whittle away take shape reel off make the best of lavish on launch into throat truce rickety litany hindsight devise dementia debilitate courtship filter out deprive of culminate in wry witticism retardation retard reminisce psychosomatic prerequisite platonic physiological obsessive neurotic myriad mundane liaison impairment impair frenzied elusive cuddle bolster avalanche altruistic accommodate tuck into throw oneself into the small hours take up stumble across stumble upon stumble on mull over loosen up in any event descend on catch on bump into be packed with staple zeal unprecedented unhinge trek tango stroll sneer small-town salsa repressive quiche puritanical Protestant multiethnic melancholy makeshift jam-packed intrinsic impromptu hedonism gregarious festivity fascism gorgeous drop-dead confine bacchanal amphitheater thrust The likes of strike a chord stack up mildly pull off pick up on keep clear of chop off amount to wizard witchcraft villain undercurrent sour seductive resistible quirky quibble punch prose promise plotline outright outdo orphan note maturity magisterial installment hedge goblet fundamentalist fledgling enticing earmark derivative defenseless craft cop conservative cataclysmic bereavement banish articulate annotate affectionately advance tax break take effect red tape red ink rearguard draw on bite the dust venison subsidy