剑桥英语青少版 English in Mind Student's Book 2词汇表

剑桥英语青少版 English in Mind Student's Book 2词汇表
creature afford age fill Egypt cruel example thousand century treatment used to tablet aspirin chemical contain Indian native herb common medicine leech tie ceramic patient treat organise paragraph come round headphone all the time romantic lyric voice prefer of course radio fan mad receive look forward to solo well early way spot share DJ techno at this time synth orchestral enemy public beast disco electronically percent start up pierce coloured bright pistol sex punk psychedelic flare wear period hippy protest Rolling Stones beetle haircut really decade brief personal hi-fi single album synthesise flute clarinet violin trumpet drum folk jazz reggae country extract married saxophone normal text message exam concert non-stop problem well-known in a minute be afraid of sensation sensational classical violinist magazine design architect band wonder mate never mind announcer necessary obligation advice fair especially grade reply daydream explain similar similarity studio instrument movement speaker Internet interpersonal video visual musical verb verbal mathematical logical intelligent intelligence line psychologist in common revise above all stress stressed memorable review section break into tip remind piece at most at least human information kilogram weigh powerful memorise memory improve basically screen mosquito insect provide barn convert barbecue generally outdoor partly stereotype surf pose marry tan suntanned humourous humour relaxed comedian difference down under jumper pack Tibetan thatch ground floor complain gardening out of order lift view join to average typical aerial garage chimney terraced houses caravan semi bungalow cottage housing estate block of flats detached house apartment separate crocodile orang-utan jungle trek lifestyle introduce trip adventure brochure wind catch fire enough afterwards blow off cliff helicopter rescue get rid of sort of point up wide travel killer protect warn station Central America hit huge enormously ocean floor harbour damage destruction eruption volcanic