生活大爆炸 第一季 (按集收录)词汇表

生活大爆炸 第一季 (按集收录)词汇表
mucus lighthouse progeny blow it grammatical expulsion redundancy starch mashed stuffing marathon concrete psychic vial divert duration draft clarification fling glare clockwise troy crush dispersion density fantasia hippo noxious slough off slough epithelial rendition warlock enslave dice go over franchise locale affectionate betray penitentiary chivalry damsel cop credence cortex amygdala break up tangerine pass off syphilis mandarin obligation gesture lousy gurney drugstore er allergic Cavalier wholesale dirt bike motorize trauma hamper laundry brisket emergency room bar granola hand grenade router burner Copenhagen footage revise show up lottery mee krob wrap up fair enough convention laborious chilly autograph sculpture conspirator frivolity heal disorientation bouncy anguish freeze over threesome chitchat overlap prom laser tag toast expel from birth canal Taurus hokum pseudo astrology summation rant frosting cream scrape off stalemate as well tetri agility wrestling take down toll hetero boson pass along cane catch up weep fight over delude implant cryogenic donate alternate hatch prone stock wear off cuckoo fertilization mate with freckle mutation pimp rabbi latte mocha move on aware of Eskimo flatulent nephew niece juvenile judo posterity loin uterus detour affluence noteworthy foreskin intolerance lactose pepperoni interject circumcision dip gherkin snack hog subcontinent side effects sibling fraternal hallelujah crossbow polish up spear dryer quizzical render curriculum crook eyebrow muffin ceramic substrate semiconductor furnace oven rush hour genius drop off Anaheim destiny droll wrap around space shuttle buddy bulletin obsessive agoraphobia pharmacology glory crybaby collider pony accumulator beanie hypocrite visor mint rupee falcon drive off lox rookie swamp fix up coarse Armenian skinned lame dictate bob speedo Jacuzzi chick magnet feast stairwell vertigo memorabilia miniature prop auction culinary wheat Swiss lettuce unmitigated taw alum bunch Brady immature trophy iron fist Soviet Union pi hypothetical sigma lambda calorie