
scud moor cliff cove lighthouse cape menace menacing edify toil earnest demonstrative get out of appeal to get on with start out mean to in the interests of come on the scene curtain democratic housekeeper awfully occasion solemn pressing respective dandy folk sarcasm gee royalty canyon superiority tray maid horrify pull prominent landmark depressed damn infant practically cocktail sleeve stunning outfit humility interview overlook oversight dial afterthought complimentary honey wink light cook buzzer pace robe taste minimum abundant promising character in private consist of hit upon accused of speed up stand by break into on the increase be tempted to exaggeration community impose delegate enforce unfortunately administer propose fee ban conduct favour outlaw code formulate thereby phial shipment penicillin sterile cargo selective tender ensure passage deal appendix quick-witted edition bibliophile bureaucracy clinch claim witness court petrochemical Marxist overthrow flush hard-nosed seal approve airfield censor civilian stamp risky solution permission visa exit passport spirit in high spirits to begin with make a fool of burst into mean to do care for stammer bow slight monsieur devil roar astonished baron suit whim private reform heartless offer poverty frock rag heap frame blame for see about live on give away on account of be tired of be popular with startle studio manual guinea shilling astonishing battered patch wizen wrinkle wrinkled wizened touch well-dressed restful artistic brush freckle rare engagement delightful sherry butterfly exchange stock looking-glass volume sword clear-cut good-looking attractive permanent unemployed profession romance wealthy billionaire millionaire adapt oneself to adjust to familiar with stick with try out wear off take on suffer from readjust original adapt regard initial adjust relatively accompany locate conversion automatically function aspect unique currency grocery mastery nonverbal procedure recovery realistically unpleasantness establish annoying shine crisis partner appeal superficial entertaining picturesque perceive phase honeymoon corporation organization accustom affect individual longing eruption fit resident