Science Knowledge 2词汇表

Science Knowledge 2词汇表
flood damage flood wind Egypt hot dry delta shelf cultural continental shelf continental climate climatic colony city Brazil Australia Argentina archipelago northwestern northeastern southwestern southeastern southwest southeast northwest northeast southern eastern northern western north east west south forecast weather forecast weather volcano zone rural urban tropical pole the North Pole the Indian Ocean the Atlantic Ocean the Arctic Ocean territory cold temperate zone temperate subtropical strait south america settlement rural areas remote religion race prime meridian precipitation population night polar plateau plain peninsula ocean hemisphere North America mountain monsoon Mediterranean map longitude legend latitude landscape island Islam hill globe geography Europe equator environment earthquake earth developing country developed country desert continent cold zone climate Christianity Buddhism basin Asia antarctic circle altitude temperature Africa potato mushroom oil epiglottic cartilage cavity mouth large intestine small intestine intestine environmental pollution environmental pollution acid rain acid endocrine hormone reflex arc reflex neuron cord spinal spinal cord nervous nervous system ossicle tympanic cochlea auditory ear optic nerve chorioid membrane retina ciliary vitreous body vitreous crystalline cornea pupil sclera iris dialyze urea urinary excretion RV lv rad lad ventricle atrium blood circulation valve capillary artery stem cell HB platelet wbc white blood cell red blood cell plasma blood plasma blood blood vessel respiratory respiratory system respiratory tract rational polypeptide AA FA amino acid amino glycerol fatty acid glucose maltose digestion substance nutrient fertilized egg reproductive fossil darwin respiration amylum photosynthesis chlorophyll mesophyll cuticle guard transpiration pollen pericarp egg sperm fertilization ovary ovule pollination pistil stamen water vitamin protein grease fat carbohydrate inorganic distilled water potassium phosphorus nitrogen primordium sprout bud germination monocotyledon dicotyledon angiosperm gymnosperm cotyledon radicle hypocotyl plumule morula germ embryo microalgae vein seed plant pteridophyte moss bryophyte algae fruit leaf flower stem system salivary gland year eye thyroid kidney liver