柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
lunchroom hobnob scandalize hallucinate trade route supplemental pacific kung fu nitric prehistory glam cunnilingus run-of-the-mill pugilist mealtime landward impermeable divination broil salubrious verisimilitude typology croquet yob slugger plagiarize recompense brushed disinclination entwine tatty speller heartburn hindrance dry run spiritualism surface-to-surface antigen ophthalmology marauding pacifism tenner splenetic preparatory school overpaid shirty titanic autocrat mix-up half-baked penknife busty detestable shirtsleeve greengrocer annulment mouth organ ice bucket rockery aerobatics abattoir safety glass schmooze unloving untapped critical mass Masonic license plate club soda unsound sea dog luminescence frieze mumbo jumbo vicarious guest worker SOS Received Pronunciation virulence juxtapose unchanging orgasmic eau de cologne piglet hook-up about-turn shellac plonk equal sign sandpit foot soldier warhorse adduce forbade wise guy pantyhose bowling green epicure disinfectant endive outreach crystal ball cuss palomino truncated exhume pliers sidekick pommy roust carnivore retrogression dorsal oil pan insulator duplication squared splat bedevil ECG snotty erotica eardrum pockmarked starlight sanctity dishonour merriment well-meant sticking plaster dowager unquestioning black spot shell shock varsity awakening surfeit taxi rank cochlea participial blub Epiphany royal blue monopolistic opprobrium pancreatic overbalance sceptre countrified connective tissue self-destructive licorice dowry microprocessor grovel entomology ultra abdicate unenviable teeth magnum old-timer saddlery retrenchment shoelace hashish push-button adornment unsurpassed matchmaking upshot dumbstruck fritter away love letter heaven-sent creature comforts cadence searching horse chestnut dysfunction way station wizardry oceanography lifeguard sultana torpid dysfunctional Arctic Circle censorious eastward millisecond teakettle doughty slag heap dosh rapier ideologist carpentry traitorous power play probabilistic dissipated girlie garnet cock-a-hoop douche ribald sacramental assault and battery sackful shut-in merry-go-round gluttonous deadbeat after dark matter torrid roof garden long-winded backwoodsman gastrointestinal misanthrope perjured cabin cruiser brassica bigamous miasma aplomb doomsday pilaf a priori wandering shipshape telephony smoggy tobacconist civil disobedience godchild catbird seat mountaineering canker unprintable excepting afforestation elegy waveband interject cordless cunt the North Pole