柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
increment soy sauce finance company juvenile delinquent leap year kitchen garden positivism cause arsenic nature study bequest kirsch wham kingly gallows prima donna hydraulics singly inset ambit stateroom etymology gelatinous sailboat abjure masterstroke sleuth decree nisi self-serving diabolical non-finite soul-destroying decal stridency museum piece thick-skinned well-fed VD date rape suffrage paper knife outback sinuous lost property knowing tarp two-handed split ends ham-fisted antediluvian plaster cast purse strings gabble breeding ouch paperweight apple pie landowning localize one-stop firing squad remiss stage name hindquarters citizenry showground undertook pallid nomenclature parlance postbag river bed shapeless toenail argumentative point of order UN beeper rooming house ungenerous microsecond oversexed blimey pulley scrabble undressed jobsworth shook camshaft free love peal broomstick egotistic damage limitation jilt deflation blower homoerotic inarticulate estrangement educationalist barbiturate bonsai bon voyage WAP indecipherable schlep rough and ready babyish vacuum-packed day trader borstal call sign revile gamete whoopee cuppa judaic milk chocolate suggestible retaliatory fitter unrecognized crash barrier herbivore bathed profit-making exemplar title role doodle adage tempi vivisection Bushman chaffinch DDT prime number hansom attache case tracing paper squiggly snowfall subtitle outermost windsurfer squeaky money-maker back street chutzpah hard-nosed throughput gold digger rowboat cleave tenement cyberpunk elective bankroll hairdo life form downbeat seaport chattel wide-angle lens tsetse fly ill-defined mortality Laundromat pawpaw importunate rechargeable clear-headed creamer internee homeward elevenses RSVP repast inadvisable epicurean sideshow doting postnatal spellbound lead-free spoon-feed G-string footwork high spot fine print confectionery Styrofoam boondoggle next of kin chervil triage atone misty-eyed bronco abseil allegorical archdiocese scoundrel airflow farther mudslide buzzsaw pockmark Bolshevik luminosity misanthropic miniaturize windshield wiper pillory silverware nay hush money enema pestle insignificance glad rags wildfowl olive branch antonym akimbo coarsen augur dropper dawn raid nuncio toss-up parking garage broadside incipient genus herewith musicianship extroverted disagreeable superiority white noise coalesce midge soda water arterial adenoids multilingual contemptible airspeed rota