柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
numerology pay packet segmentation fir tree aftertaste Calling card duodenal dry dock archivist barfly indeterminacy well versed cognition double entendre witless febrile flaccid overdone stepsister mic heir apparent fair-weather breathalyzer iconoclast slithery taupe repayable correspondingly kimono farmhand downy electro shoehorn lady-killer cold cuts voice box dive-bomb bridle path bobbin refract twaddle horsewhip lustful plummy carouse praiseworthy caver navigational facsimile abomination brownstone deaf-mute drank nanny state unmanly pertussis directorship clime inattentive maelstrom ice sheet patent leather frame of reference kaleidoscopic dacha waged green pepper weft schoolyard mealy active duty consumerism adapted redwood dimple hallelujah mince pie disorganization irreplaceable drum kit fait accompli creationism sung en bloc brainstorm schema capital letter hard disk intransitive categoric dimmer jaundiced organdie hummingbird muted crunchy braise tensile gaiety minion co-opt cagey off limits expressway foreshore cloudless crossbow patisserie field event chalice comatose double-dealing saleroom opinionated reappraisal netball brickbat sombrero internationalism welch duopoly enrapture postmaster humbug cellular phone fathomless USAF bracing stagecoach headroom fancy dress rubbery loquacious sequin coop antihistamine high-end sextet port of call baronial bedraggled webbing freight train uninspiring bandy about poly nosedive unsolicited coiffure aspic leisured entrails blotter rabbinical adulterer depersonalize joist compressor wench call box octagonal obviate sprightly adulterous surmise diarist back-breaking windbreaker impish itinerant demerit bangle cc Tai Chi traditionalism call girl stetson cupidity annul frisky baking powder private detective disinterest corroborative low-tech inestimable chippy handset condensed inexcusable ratbag mug shot unmet impure tea towel syncopation immodest equatorial legation coppery sick pay barbarism tablespoonful bird of paradise denominator guided tour bevy red herring curatorial bebop sleeping car pigeon-toed smoke bomb tumult pro forma deathly exponential overstatement cackle fireside capital goods beer belly unblinking mega body blow moped corporal punishment theoretician bio rice paper masseur dispensary flying visit normalcy reagent bothersome wagtail clack greenfield red card deification flasher poinsettia lackey simulcast tankard triceps roil klutz ploughshare