柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
siesta conservatoire summat ramekin exactitude polar bear ascorbic acid checking account fecund quintet plantain wadi doublet effectual workfare pinnace tupperware foreclose back country concertina poop Hove pi invalidity tore dreamlike lit fracas time lag well-connected ice water divan comfortably off quickfire freight car christian science vassal trashy hypothesize day of reckoning clunky Yellow Pages sporran trachea twit automatic pilot bug-eyed reversible ambassadorial taught tea room overhung giantess Freemason spoilt merciful padded cell cadenza redeemable catch scoreboard changing room twinge unfeasible discolour flying saucer wristwatch chiselled expressionism pilaster Memorial Day long johns supplicant sub mezzo farrago overstay mailing list silver wedding swashbuckling chute inconsequential fevered piping hot knelt even-tempered carthorse junk food recyclable double agent emphysema hooch PTA poetic justice midget centilitre enlarger bakeware hand-to-hand emeritus weightlifter corvette fastness somersault impostor bargain hunter kinda grotty horse-trading reference library serotonin a la decode dustpan stereotypical OHP wheelbase numeracy punnet schwa four-wheel drive uncle sam froze sonorous happenstance peeping Tom breathable footsore inelegant butchery contortion mammary soapy breakout fatten up card index cold turkey cropper memory chip notifiable repulse anticyclone sanctify selective service nob burdensome high tide measuring bendy trapeze defibrillator shouting match indefensible vocal cords paper money rope ladder shuttle diplomacy glockenspiel conceptualize cirrhosis collectivize unleavened ex officio testis angelica diktat DVD unknowingly retard nuclear family torchlight housewares psychoactive concessionaire act of god undershirt patty lip-read cluck Cupid criminal court feral chastisement far-sighted belfry Punch and Judy show pooh-pooh denier palisade short-circuit walking stick thrum witness stand gopher family name northernmost plebeian plaster of paris dilution music stand primary colour ring road iconography thee extremity beautician mezzo-soprano earmuffs movie house gateau inexperience unbecoming ringleader bewitch peculiarity floret conspicuous consumption strode heavily cotton candy flash flood adventurist multicultural pasty poignancy discriminating backgammon striptease rasta lordly seditious lumberman laboured nationhood black eye rickets high-flyer largo tallow streetlight delineate banger buzzard personage depute Inuit breach of the peace futurism blindly enamoured