柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
childminder neglectful singalong cream of tartar suppertime small change reflate acrobatic astern sushi gate money minicab oodles resourced lily of the valley foregoing soft-pedal felt-tip hake handmaiden dungeon download bunk bed termite ill-treat corrode genocidal netting cryogenics queen-size buxom inkling in-patient disaster area giro starchy telepathic teething abrasion watering hole electrified heavenly body stunk approving gatherer chowder tall tale reforest reversing light cooper overdrive temperance hairdryer churning menfolk blow-up progeny carbon copy masking tape desperado asexual genitalia pastrami chorus girl asphyxia distributional herbalism faux pas kinsfolk common cold flatmate unflappable manhandle intimation impregnate evangelize alternating current skunk rubber band all-inclusive decapitate crumpet etymological bronchitis purser emasculate cellphone hubbub majorette cartographer sweetbread warthog contiguous toffee-nosed dedication bite-sized bumptious heiress erudite inimitable litigant cassock zenith dachshund get-together wearisome silly season stockade earphone charioteer associative haggard debutante choirboy sweetie handstand floss roguish disconcert preen chopping board built-up absorbent leaker palette knife analytic ripcord garbage disposal woebegone unbending research fellow confidant constancy airy-fairy agoraphobic foreign service filmy aniseed rafting time frame imperious home rule stultify regionalism duffel coat unalterable bashful indirect object aver sainthood periscope coal miner iniquitous rapid-fire aberrant plenipotentiary tepee misapplication privation wannabe dicker programme note cranial polemicist splay launching pad pro rata KO sameness waistband deja vu eatery wot suffix charnel house privy council phantasmagorical grasping whiteboard totality heartstrings belted manageress shanty town blandishments faddy mercurial prurient chivalrous appellant subaltern buckskin indestructible hiker tonsillitis motorcade scaffold mistrial yummy pincer retardation deformity anagram slammer perceptual tape deck introvert palaver apostolic runt guidebook lightship frivolity war paint inlay temerity unstick bloodless mawkish knockdown radicalize rudderless candlelit handiwork playboy Gamma rays absolute zero guffaw gawk borne inedible concubine pah tern titbit comport contrivance pincushion licking laddie gaucho discursive beekeeper scion surly chimp sea captain rave review telephone exchange extractor