柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表

柯林斯Cobuild词频 • 0星词汇 ☆☆☆☆☆词汇表
laryngitis delivery room mallard tungsten impel unscripted bogeyman poison ivy bulbous ornamented subsist wasting control tower principality heredity gusty pec uncalled for cheapo drop-dead indirect tax cattleman riot gear absinthe convolution recessional remarriage philosophic waylay childbearing cyclamen weighting reincarnate veined songstress topcoat hall of residence deep-fry bloodshot corona feeler bank balance jaguar fib deerstalker fresher swipe card klansman pilot light boxing glove reindeer plunk antipodean submissive mightily dab hand defamation transfix worrier cetacean dragnet yam samovar orthodontist tarn laddish minesweeper doctrinal tonality tributary Palm Sunday scythe fiend gaslight strung out conker stupefy bodybuilder male chauvinism archangel callow atelier moronic laughing stock scuzzy pipe dream Jeez chickenpox locale chock-full circuit breaker maltreatment crepuscular skittish cover girl imponderable sherbet educative skipping rope mollusc Mammon cox tut-tut shepherdess paediatrics peremptory improv utility room speakeasy expressionist microfiche feather duster curried backdate thatch stooge bloodstain cipher jackboot brownish asphalt pox kidney bean polo shirt pestilence storefront starlit revelry reconfirm takeout crotchety diurnal inverse offing anyplace altimeter detritus stroller hung inconsiderable gatecrash gap year plate glass banditry sickness benefit Doctor of Philosophy misfire disinherit remount burble uncultivated insuperable commensurate celibacy dejection green revolution toothache spectra hipster Beeb guided missile pansy kestrel engraver betoken epitaph packing case academe son of a bitch swam shoestring navigable cerebral palsy water butt programmatic fastening outwit orthopaedic tardy stateless abortionist pluralistic patrimony listenable printed circuit board stateside crofter marshy chimney stack misogyny uptrend gum tree blowtorch obdurate cost-plus juvenile court propagandize IR eugenics congenital biweekly quadruped bouillon brought mini-skirt empathetic barf struck watermill brass band rag trade oddball rusticity conjugate reefer direct mail obsolescence dutch courage upper crust dead letter exploiter recalcitrant morning star ingenue sneak preview music box octane watering can decided errant dumping ground shambolic roofing second fourthly re inadmissible cinders unlovable cadmium tabulate sidecar Redeemer face mask firefighting shipwright accusing wreathe milkmaid bumblebee