音乐剧《猫 Cats》词汇表

音乐剧《猫 Cats》词汇表
be entitled to paste salmon potted Strasbourg caviar a dish of esteem condescend familiarity resent hold with jog address interpreter rang round russell touch in the sun masquerade stale smoky burnt out yearn wither away wither sunflower daylight marvellous gasp drum roll phenomenal manner incontestable purr curl up vague presto lawn misplace cork equally cunning dice rail crack tip eccentric illusion monopoly patent metropolis bat scoff original conjuring metamorphosis napoleon griddle wicked alibi suavity deceitful trellis greenhouse stifle rifle loot respectable outwardly depravity sway uncombed domed brow sunken ginger fakir levitation gravity flying squad despair squad Scotland Yard bafflement defy mystery summon elation carlisle flea Scotch counterpane crept pull down cosy crank basin a speck of den breeze speck berth prank on the move riot hilarity wink patrol corridor by and large supervise more or less bagman hemisphere flash luggage van rear saunter frantic nimble stationmaster porter guard thimble depart railway shank troupe reign kitten gin toothful fiddle frore dick understudy pantomime curfew nell bedside soften rehearsal extemporize gag backchat extemporise fiend irving palmy anecdote regale terror shabby palsy rake gus revive assign to assign restore gutter mutter fatalistic moan withered lamplight pavement midnight caper repose toilette jig gavotte roly-poly cheerful caterwaul merry undertaker hail scatter hairy fierce jaw yawn blazing fearfully stalk brigade bold aloof over the border bonnet in order notable biter snapper Scottish braw plain mastiff frisky Alsatian poodle Dalmatian Dane Welsh dour tyke din score dozen wheeze grumble uproar heathen glare hind scrap retreat advance slip into on the occasion of fray foe implacable pom pug rumpus together with intervention peke tottery of all things ho croak vicarage physiognomy bland placid at the sight of thrive be tempted to prosper progeny tempted accession rhyme proverb