高中牛津版高三 上学期词汇表

高中牛津版高三 上学期词汇表
depression environment heat surroundings weight drag sadly ironic beneficial diagnosis dedication suit match perfectly sweater pullover cardigan scarf smart dress brain design conscious remain image depend institute staff marry hyphenate symbolize partnership artificial isotope exposure radiation responsibility federation utilize benefit atomic humanity leukemia liver intestinal due to assassinate mourn Marie Curie greatness Poland experiment damp element powerful Stockholm post Sorbonne irene Paris dedicate radioactive jointly laboratory segregation transportation illegal Christian leadership coordinate attempt assassination response congress voting access accommodation desegregate facility employment recipient Memphis Tennessee influential Atlanta Georgia Ph.D. Mahatma Gandhi India religious influence preach doctrine nonviolent disobedience Baptist minister arrest refuse incident boycott contribute supreme goal achievement radium radioactivity metal uranium Albert Einstein theory mathematical physics relativity diplomat Martin Luther King Jr equal disadvantaged oppress racially nobel distinguished founder Swedish explosive dynamite fortune discovery sadden warfare trust fund foundation outstanding physiology medal diploma winner share meantime relative Philippines Kentucky exchange couple protector column subject editor editorial fix informative in spite of accuse attention accusation press feature separate separately fold national practice cause background historical broadcast tower steel cable suspension bridge lane craze correspondence course passion confess expert hint remark boss comprehension double content preview scan concentrate entertainment assign normally set aside list plan following necessarily intellect acceptable debate clearly illustrate importance discuss typing arithmetic commercial bookkeeping accounting employer degree philosophy literature outline purposefully actively independently regularly practise purpose incomplete inexact willing communicate therefore conclusion clue independent learner grammar knack learning fine fail regulation observe ring cyclist horn blare