50天 征服雅思词汇词汇表

50天 征服雅思词汇词汇表
profuse placid pertinent pertain pellet pastry palatable outstrip oatmeal normalize nicety meringue maximize majestic lucrative liquor ketchup kernel invincible integral insipid idiosyncrasy haw haphazard grill greasy fluff exceptional equivocal edible disreputable dingy delectable croissant cornstarch congruent conceivable subsistence sacrifice prospect prejudice peril peer obesity harmony greed distinction discrimination dignity assessment widen struggle shoulder satisfy safeguard remove realize raise punish provide pose interrupt gain foster forbid express expand wrestle voucher versus ventilate trapeze tournament terminate tenancy telex symmetry subscribe storey stadium slate shanty affiliate remainder recreation quaint postscript placard phony periodical occupant mime masquerade leaflet gymnasium grate funnel frock fortify flagstone finale fidelity explanatory excerpt evict eminent drainage dilapidated devour culminate compile commentate commentary colonnade cloakroom chic cement booth booklet beautician apparel acrobat abate exert deliver deepen conquer communicate belong bear ban arouse adore render accommodate anecdote inaugurate embark on dwindle domain transient plausible benevolent energetic entitle to occupy integrate with escalate memorize tyrannical truce truant transitive thesaurus tactic symposium syllabus suicidal sovereign siege sanity regime quandary pronounceable problematic probation ponderous permissible pedestal paranoia obligatory negligence momentous militant matriculate mandate intrusion intransigent interim informative hierarchy harangue gratuity frontier formation fallible expedient evacuate eradicate embassy embankment disintegrate discrete deputy deploy demography deliberation declaration custodian convene consonant confidential carousel bungalow basement arbitrary antagonism allegiance replicate concentrate on tutorial provision gadget specialist by correspondence elect resistance outlook distribute apportion coherent summarize portrayal purchase stimulus converse browse cognition endow be adept at adept automatic zoological vigilant verdict vehement variant variable undulate triple treble transgress thermostat tetrad tenable synopsis subdue strenuous singular semblance