十天突破雅思写作 分卷+必备掌中宝(剑9版) 慎小嶷词汇表

十天突破雅思写作 分卷+必备掌中宝(剑9版) 慎小嶷词汇表
insight newsworthy scandal paparazzi privacy infringe biassed false dependable sensationalise exaggerate primary fraudulent misrepresent susceptible tempting spamming pop up rating noncommercial nonprofit Public Interest sponsor product placement marketing embedded television commercial prime time campaign advertising censorship media electronic print media current affairs curiosity satellite weightless mission manned space space exploration supersonic superconductor cloud computing artificial intelligence instant messaging real time portable device risk chemical fertiliser genetically modified clone biotechnology fraud distance education information highway virtual world information age information overload information explosion mass production assembly line manufacture produce automated automation machinery laboursaving efficiency technological innovation scientific technological toward outlook integrity moral values juvenile delinquency youth behavioural unruly disruptive willpower perseverance sportsmanship athletic extracurricular communication skill interpersonal skill adjust to hardship adversity trait character personality trait undue academic complain about complain frustrate enthusiasm creativity stifle law theorem formula equation spark kindle feedback performance evaluate command critically combine application apply concentrate on focus on respect confidence competitive ambition aspiration pursuit expectation instil expertise recruitment recruit employable skill proficient assignment homework educationalist task arduous positive model inspiration theoretical knowledge a wide variety of a wide range of course curriculum well rounded specialist generalist engineering natural science social sciences humanity acquire knowledge gain knowledge innate attend school encourage nurture develop development emotional mental shortage consume pollute climate change disposable ecosystem sustainable development ivory endangered species habitat alternative replacement animal testing biodiversity inhumane historic natural resources rehabilitate criminal consequence impulsive violate the law victim crime rate punishment commit a crime offence crime harmony misunderstanding generation gap family values community involvement parental social networking website member physical strength household chores stereotype gender gender equality career path beneficial mutually import isolated interdependent Multinational corporation corporation multinational trade international function exterior diet balanced materialistic charity facility eliminate rural area urban gap ethnic minorities artistic cultural diversity Cultural Heritage a sense of belonging discrimination cultural assimilation multicultural ancestor widespread language barrier extinct dominant role dominant proliferation prejudice mutual understanding local residents tourist attraction conflict experience mind broaden