雅思真题4-12 阅读词汇词汇表

雅思真题4-12 阅读词汇词汇表
insecurity celebrate motive instrumental dignify collecting biodiversity profession defense fire-resistant buoyant elastic noncompliance breach compliance time slot to be honest citizen underdog garner reality accolade crazy about come across channel flip on purpose by far rarest rather sincere turn out to be nifty sleek trim freak stunt resourceful bother triumph exertion slight suburban philosopher interminable interminate sigh splutter morsel measly barely homage hymn eloquent essence distill renowned disclose infinite marvellous foremost ascent embark originate wheel manifold brilliant horror creaky chase acceleration salient remind theme scene link dissonant attitude absence incur injury siren ambulance nuance burglary ominous contribute project frenetic whirlwind gag absurdity dizzy portray banal fiction science persona physiognomy texture character asynchronous synchronous dialogue mention balance mixed consist director image Sound track afford reflective unalterable liver guide fetus pregnancy revolutionize keyboard radical heritability twist phrase date back inheritance pinpoint aliment extent fraternal fertilized egg gene untangle opportunity precious biomedical subtropical coastal inland subtropics fickle lung cancer photogenic camera at the end of the day fond nostalgic unanticipated master theorem thorough testimonial extended career aficionado episode check sketch particle subatomic spectator tantalize omit opera alleged separate gap notorious bridge chapter even number odd number trigonometry geometry algebra composition occasional mathematical resolute passageway choke grazing constriction invariance host deplete hatch converge intent admirable voracious smell take notice of mission allocation overfeed regular metric stifle parachute stocking smuggle monk wool route rout lucrative tomb diplomatic caste royalty millennia fibre grove thread unravel sip larva silkworm cocoon luxurious jargon abhor conjure up loathe naive comprehension pulp status quo screw up set out temptation play a role in distractive role model fable by definition entropy counterforce systemic marvelous argument prolific for now regret hesitate buddy oath sworn brother goof around