雅思真题4-12 阅读词汇词汇表

雅思真题4-12 阅读词汇词汇表
cite habitual passion inject temperament procurement evacuation dedication aid jurisdiction serpentine wind mammoth upgrade budgetary dilapidated helicopter hop canyon personnel peculiar bungle sting numerous scorch residential prone underbrush unintentional acre siege flame blaze battle squad tinder detriment bond atrophy muscular myopia be obsessed with in nature curvature spinal addictive on top of that prefer to rebellious unheard of dictator in most cases on average shocking glue to documentary a wide range of legend recite mumble recognize adore bear witness holiness almighty pilgrimage compromise attraction tourist quantitative sort of exotic delicacy inquisitive dreary uniformity entitle trinket impel disillusioned craftspeople glamorous utensil cosmetic manifestation oust bland bound up ethos spread disruption eternity secure nagging trade wind prevailing launch out rigging stubborn urn coral span seedling pioneer rove harbor cemetery burial grave plantation site archaeological susceptible intact internal overwhelm supreme flaw infestation herbivore defence withdraw scramble mint visible pigment water-soluble maple unmask twig ship dismantle molecule chlorophyll puzzle captivating participation statistics rank province ideal regional credible motel excess trillion gross foreign aircraft jet distinctly villa vocation vacation resort aristocrat compel game traverse scope self-assured conscientious visionary deal with down to earth diversified versatile burn the midnight oil work around the clock responsibility start-up refund receipt hygiene fruit stand resident bite in season attentive shelf counter decor kitchen item household skincare toiletry sauce penny hum sound box on the top of lyric tune catchy picky outlier increment conflict with replication high-fidelity permanently dedicate superficial spontaneous monetary attendant duplication reprographic incomparably facsimile manuscript rewarding specific deprived competent conversely succinct overview transfer metacognition qualitative exceptionally gifted suitable unemployment literacy forge ahead clipper coincidence antibacterial dig virus alight on skepticism deduction eccentric succumb antiseptic cupboard enigma wrestle with anthropological treaty commensurate shoulder in charge of expertise broker picture as