雅思真题4-12 阅读词汇词汇表

雅思真题4-12 阅读词汇词汇表
take a toll compulsive workaholism hedge fund hedge profound endorphin opaque monotony touch artsy therapeutic mess dirty realignment ethics privacy resign glare appetite insatiable tyranny tick expense devolve overload inquiry auditor regulator post-mortem downturn meltdown governance catalyse charismatic impenetrable winkle browse insistence pickle jar assemblage arbitrary niche resonate dredge trawl denude totemic stubby speckled mounted boar glimpse tasselled quarry landfill cosmetics package advancement architecture horticultural revolutionary levy optical invaluable refractive index cloud empire guard bead coat glaze spear eruption tie vicious disrupt corrupt translate humanitarian injustice lottery materialistic allowance spur impulse precocious savvy standby outfit fashion splurge embody connotative suspenseful chord harmonic dissect submission flirtation studious labyrinth unresolved melodic precede anticipatory caudate ventral portrait tango chill scan tomography positron ligand potent underpinning stir cerebellum conductance pulse pupil betray devoid frontline bracket epidemiology overlay prevention polio industrialisation asthma smog mosquito malaria infection globalize prevalent vaccination lumber warden edge crate cargo crew yacht liaison trail hike repatriation immobile pirate colonise inhospitable barren respite lunar volcano uneven cacti spiny reintroduction hybrid vocabulary acquired applause mega loo comedy song blue booth steam hog impart puppet engine symptom degenerative alternate interference categorize excel juggling corresponding recognition sequential neurological multilingual chronicler dimension hindsight spellbound ceremonial mausoleum expectation rejoin tack circuitous elevation hinterland exploration purchaser intermediary synchronise diversify magnitude transparency landowner commentator storage dependency smallholder volatility entrench fault be inclined to tantrum express patience go off pop up calendar reliability disrespect all-nighter stay up late immune side effect identical destructive articulate presume endeavor acquisition irrelevant inspiration codify anew dishonest professionalization arsonist program sign up accounting motto individualism commonplace album