雅思真题4-12 阅读词汇词汇表

雅思真题4-12 阅读词汇词汇表
march genetic engineering livestock battery monoculture chemical fertiliser mechanisation agriculture welfare wildlife enervation collateral damage in terms relative bring down jolt respond to balancing pole tightrope permit structural travel floor plan transit constrain consecutive slither stack trial and error advanced craftsman pendulum stationary suspend flex pillar trunk resilience earthenware porcelain width overhang gush eave batter practical watchtower staircase be attached to Buddhism multi-storey fight sway hesitation wedge peg skyscraper dampen absorber reinforced concrete erect slender mystify level unscathed magnificent devastate office block flatten elevated highway topple disastrous collapse flimsy seemingly shake sweep mind set mediocre emulate notoriety accredited designate categoric precisely autocratic call on authority tap placebo faith healing trance accomplish effortless automatic recall dramatization improvise follow-up beforehand classical variant indirect reflect fatigue tense counterproductive attribute psychodrama relive hypnosis mannerism typeface binding peripheral perceive durable reactivity mental non-specific instructional suggestion propose unconscious criteria warrant accountability specification gallon quadruple tenfold rethink efficiently soar diminished address established philosophy last resort millennium outset dispute aquifer thrive preventable withdrawal reservoir make way for compensation jeopardize reiterate inferior to dark side spin turbine soaring hydropower monumental unprecedented occupant sewer outlay layout aqueduct manipulate be entwined with underlying admiration navigation detection perfect natural selection phantom limb referred pain sensation tricycle uncanny apart from weird illuminate immensely bounce a fraction of fraction detect expose to prohibitive searchlight lantern occur to manoeuvre obstruct muddy In the absence of scrape a living scrape mammalian ancestry nocturnal make a go of favour daytime making obstacle prey reduction frustration boredom supervisor worthwhile assertive revise disseminate sanction explicit monitor evaluation tackle violent interpersonal suicide depressed recalcitrant particularly exclude taunt variety psychology bully persistent challenge campaign recommendation implication colleague nourish mortality infancy crusade illiterate literate scrutinize grapple prescription dispense conclusion comprehensive loyal recipient tablet