雅思真题4-12 阅读词汇词汇表

雅思真题4-12 阅读词汇词汇表
appeasement insight buzz semantic revolve format reasoning computational kant plato incongruity resolution version settle on ludicrous puncture tension psychic rely superiority pedigree apparent reflex dub pointless mysterious fitting silly punchline headphone dedicated society marketplace renewed renaissance despise era drab tone delighted array dazzling relish insulating seize on sterile porous wonder unparalleled disdain efficient wall streamlined smooth evenly taper requirement to a large extent govern extreme hollow pour into raw granular hexa catalyst moisture strength asbestos filler tray malleable soluble vacuum initially take out formaldehyde reaction manufacture amass wealthy abandon alcohol fluid volatile aldehyde resin phenolic embark on ivory tortoiseshell luxury dwindle substitute pragmatic couple with domain impetus viscous revert thermosetting candle wax thermo constituent engineer entirely substance be derived from plastic material synthetic patent belgian Bakelite pessimistic optimistic crucial avoid sanitation pressing buy postpone experience model adaption radically drastic considerable emission dioxide carbon dispose stuff poor diminish slope ski melt allergy distortion curious impartial altruistic oppose green self-interested scepticism lobby overwhelmingly press release overstate understandably roll in mass media wise disjunction decline nurture opinion poll devastating inappropriate phenomenon accelerate cure phase associate transient exaggerate abundant picture planet extinct species environmentalist elucidate interaction bias dictate hard-wired in essence plausible polar sort out forgo malevolent Self-sacrifice loyalty surrender personality merge evoke legitimacy useful benevolent notion remnant make-up ultimately hardship ancestor survival trait go so far as to hard-core primal pent-up discharge genetic built-in inclination cooperative fluster pressured comfort knowledgeable rational discrepancy obedient repetition fringe lunatic overwhelming psychiatrist revulsion moral for the sake of reluctant balk bring on thereby pose deliberately unfold as per call for experimenter denounce expletive assortment writhe scream groan emit simulate supposed successive severity administer step volt