
英 ['pʌmps]
美 ['pʌmps]
  • n.

    泵( pump的名词复数 );打气筒;轻软舞鞋;轻便帆布鞋(英式英语)

  • v.

    用抽水机汲水( pump的第三人称单数 );给…打气;用泵(或泵样器官等)输送;涌出

  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • a mechanical device that moves fluid or gas by pressure or suction
      • the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body


      • a low-cut shoe without fastenings
    • v.
      • operate like a pump; move up and down, like a handle or a pedal

        "pump the gas pedal"

      • deliver forth

        "pump bullets into the dummy"

      • draw or pour with a pump
      • supply in great quantities
      • flow intermittently
      • move up and down

        "The athlete pumps weights in the gym"

      • raise (gases or fluids) with a pump
      • question persistently

        "She pumped the witnesses for information"



    pumps and fans泵与风机


    1. He wore a new pair of pumps for the dance.
    2. She went to the party in her silk dress and pumps.
    1. Some pumps and all vacuum cleaners work by suction.
    2. The gas turbine feeds on the fuel it pumps.


    Multidrug efflux pumps of gram-negative bacteria.
    Multidrug-resistance efflux pumps? Not just for resistance
    Design of high-performance CMOS charge pumps in phase-locked loops
    Monolithic microfabricated valves and pumps by multilayer soft lithography.
    Nikaido H. Multidrug efflux pumps of Gram-negative bacteria. J Bacteriol 178: 5853-5859
    Structure and function of vacuolar class of ATP-driven proton pumps.
    Thapsigargin inhibits the sarcoplasmic or endoplasmic reticulum Ca-ATPase family of calcium pumps.
    The role of polyamines in the regulation of the plasma membrane and the tonoplast proton pumps under salt stress
    Functional comparisons between isoforms of the sarcoplasmic or endoplasmic reticulum family of calcium pumps.
    The response of diabetic retinopathy to 41 months of multiple insulin injections, insulin pumps, and conventional insulin therapy