
  • v.

    过单调呆板的生活( vegetate的现在分词 );植物似地生长;(瘤、疣等)长大;

  • 英英释义

    vegetate[ ˈvedʒɪˌteɪt ]

    • v.
      • lead a passive existence without using one's body or mind
      • establish vegetation on

        "They vegetated the hills behind their house"

      • produce vegetation

        "The fields vegetate vigorously"

      • grow like a plant

        "This fungus usually vegetates vigorously"

      • grow or spread abnormally

        "warts and polyps can vegetate if not removed"

      • propagate asexually

        "The bacterial growth vegetated along"

      • engage in passive relaxation

        "After a hard day's work, I vegetate in front of the television"

        同义词:vege out



    1. This kind of fruit vegetates in many areas.
    2. The vegetables in the garden vegetate vigorously.


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    Pemphigus vulgaris with nail involvement presenting with vegetating and verrucous lesions.
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