
  • v.

    搭线窃听,窃听或偷录( wiretap的过去式和过去分词 );

  • 学习怎么用


    1. The house is wiretapped.


    The Wiretapped Diamond-Relay Channel
    Is your Desktop being Wiretapped
    Wiretapped Signal Leakage Minimization for Secure Multiuser MIMO Systems via Interference Alignment
    The oblivious transfer capacity of the wiretapped binary erasure channel
    On the Oblivious Transfer Capacity of the Degraded Wiretapped Binary Erasure Channel
    Sean Spicer says Trump 'doesn't really think' Obama 'personally' wiretapped Trump
    Federal investigators reportedly wiretapped Trump lawyer Michael Cohen's phones and intercepted a call with the White House
    Shannon's Secrecy System With Informed Receivers and its Application to Systematic Coding for Wiretapped Channels
    Shannon's Secrecy System With Informed Receivers and its Application to Systematic Coding for Wiretapped Channels
    'He has information and intelligence that the rest of us do not': Kellyanne Conway defends Trump's claim that Obama wiretapped his p...