
  • n.

    (容易)犯错( errancy的名词复数 );出差错;离格;出轨的行为

  • 英英释义

    errancy[ 'erənsi ]

    • n.
      • (Christianity) holding views that disagree with accepted doctrine; especially disagreement with papal infallibility

        "he denies the errancy of the Catholic Church"

      • fallibility as indicated by erring or a tendency to err


    1. Frank's errancy consisted mostly of pranks.


    Where intellect and intuition converge [electronic resource] : epistemological errancies in the poetry of Jorie Graham /
    Aesthetics of Dysfunction: On Virtual Agglomerations and the Creative Errancies of Code
    Errancies of Desire: Subjectivity, Difference, and Proximity in Transnational Film and Literature
    Wordsworthian Errancies: The Poetics of Cultural Dismemberment
    Wordsworthian Errancies: The Poetics of Cultural Dismemberment by David Collings
    Wordsworthian errancies :
    Flow-cytometric detection of phenotypic aberrancies in canine small clear cell lymphoma.
    Device for measuring size of steel bar in structure and method thereof
    Affect, state theory, and the politics of confusion
    Medieval Travel Writing and the Question of Race