
英 ['eθnɒs]
美 ['eθnɒs]
  • n.


  • 英英释义

    ethnos[ 'eθnɔs ]

    • n.people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture

      同义词:ethnic group



    Ethnos(民族)和Ethnic group(族群)的早期含义与应用
    The Ethnos in the Polis : Political Ethnography as a Mode of Inquiry
    SNP@Ethnos: a database of ethnically variant single-nucleotide polymorphisms
    Social quality and ethnos communities: Concepts and indicators
    GENERAL: Ethnos und Demos: Soziologische Beiträge zur Volkstheorie. Emerich Francis
    ETHNOS : A versatile electronic tool for the development and curation of national genetic databases
    Distributing a robotic system on a network: the ETHNOS approach
    Early Meanings and Application of the Terms "Ethnos"and "Ethnic Group
    How Wide the Circle of the "We"? American Intellectuals and the Problem of the Ethnos since World War II
    Grätz, Tilo 2003. Gold-mining and risk management: A case study from northern Benin. Ethnos 68(2): 92- 208.