
  • abbr.

    increasing assurance benefits 增长的保险收益;

  • 学习怎么用


    Report from the IAB Workshop on Routing and ...
    RFC 4984: Report from the IAB Workshop on Routing and Addressing
    The Drosophila microRNA iab-4 causes a dominant homeotic transformation of halteres to wings.
    IAB Employment Subsample 1975
    Alternate Interactions Define the Binding of Peptides to the MHC Molecule IAb
    The Fab-8 boundary defines the distal limit of the bithorax complex iab-7 domain and insulates iab-7 from initiation elements and a ...
    Chemical classification of iron meteorites—IX. A new group (IIF), revision of IAB and IIICD, and data on 57 additional irons
    Transcription through the iab-7 cis-regulatory domain of the bithorax complex interferes with maintenance of Polycomb-mediated silen...
    the IAB iron-meteorite complex: A group, five subgroups, numerous grouplets, closely related, mainly formed by crystal segregation i...
    Combined percutaneous cardiopulmonary bypass (PBY) and intra-aortic balloon (IAB) access cannula