
  • abbr.

    International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry 国际理论和应用化学联合会;

  • 学习怎么用


    IUPAC Subcommittee on Gas Kinetic Data Evaluation for Atmospheric Chemistry
    Polyaniline. Preparation of a conducting polymer(IUPAC Technical Report)
    Harmonized guidelines for single-laboratory validation of methods of analysis (IUPAC Technical Report)
    Nomenclature in evaluation of analytical methods including detection and quantification capabilities 1 : (IUPAC Recommendations 1995)
    Evaluated kinetic and photochemical data for atmospheric chemistry: Supplement V : IUPAC subcommittee on gas kinetic data evaluation...
    Recommendations for the presentation of NMR structures of proteins and nucleic acids – IUPAC-IUBMB-IUPAB Inter-Union Task Group on ...
    Nomenclature in evaluation of analytical methods , including detect ion and quantification ca pa bi I it ies ' ( IUPAC Recommendatio...
    Evaluated Kinetic, Photochemical and Heterogeneous Data for Atmospheric Chemistry: Supplement V. IUPAC Subcommittee on Gas Kinetic D...
    Evaluated Kinetic, Photochemical and Heterogeneous Data for Atmospheric Chemistry: Supplement V.   IUPAC Subcommittee on Gas Kineti...
    International vocabulary of Metrology-Basic and general concepts and associated terms (VIM), BIPM, IEC, IFCC, ILAC, ISO, IUPAC, IUPA...