
stable spread sponsor spokesman split specification spare part source resign reserve reputable reputation representative represent reposition profit profile productive product mix product life cycle production schedule production cycle mission minimize middleman method study merit merger merge merchandising item information technology rights issue issue irrevocable invoice investor investment dp downtime down-time down-market dog division dividend divest diversify subcontractor contractor contract continuum contingency consumer goods consumer durables consumables consultant bull market broker brochure brief breakthrough break even point break even brand loyalty arrears arbitration arbitrage aptitude approve appropriate appreciate appraisal cycle time stock turnover staff turnover turnover trouble-shooting trend solvent sole distributor sole software soft-sell slump report to rep rent remuneration relocate relief probation retail price market price preference shares PR mass media media measure maximise materials handling master production schedule mass market market share loyalty lot loss invest raw materials inventory pipeline inventory finished goods inventory decoupling inventory cycle inventory future fund freelance distribution dispose of dispose display dispatch dismissal constant consortium consolidate conglomerate conflict configuration condition brand leader brand branch brainstorm bounce bottom appointee application applicant apply appeal anticipated curriculum vitae cut-price cut-throat synergy SWOT analysis marketing research survey supplier supply supervisory supervisor superior summary customize current liabilities current assets current account treasury treasurer transformation transfer transaction slogan skill sickness sick pay Sick note reliability reject reimburse region refund purchasing power power potential position post owe overview overtime market penetration niche market market leader marketing mix loser lose logo loan litigate buffer inventory inventory introduce interviewer interviewee freebie fraud franchiser franchisee franchise dismiss discount directory direct selling direct mail concentrated marketing component competitive competitor competition bottleneck boost boom bookkeeper book value anticipate annual general meeting annual analyst analysis analyze current currency critical path analysis critical awareness average automate audit assist tangible assets trainee trade union trade mark insider trading trading profit sick leave sick shortlist shop steward simulation reference number reference redundancy redundant reduction portfolio management portfolio policy point of sale plough back