人教版《go for it》七年级上册词汇表

人教版《go for it》七年级上册词汇表
china life today hobby before so America dog any ask miss strict next busy Monday Friday Wednesday Thursday Tuesday dad city Mrs teacher word description because science subject Saturday wish best soon me tell write start around letter homework evening afternoon job morning home listen love night all hotel bus after teeth brush hour work usually shower time why address e-mail little draw PM Sunday show rock be then or violin piano long short small big yellow blue green red white black color dollar sale skirt shoe sweater T-shirt shirt sock also other conversation an people furniture list healthy lot star run eat vegetable fruit dinner lunch breakfast chicken apple egg food pear strawberry salad ice cream ice orange tomato hamburger banana like day every them only but great difficult fun boring interesting class more club many sport good sound well play us let basketball volleyball ping-pong tennis ball have desk room floor need some bring can thing take hat tape video CD math bag know on they under plant drum kid speak paint chess sing swim dance join guitar too weekend successful new favorite with history about learn think often really sad funny student someone find kind action movie go year music Chinese festival art trip party speech old age birth happy date twentieth twelfth ninth seventh sixth fifth third second fourth tenth November October September August July June may April march February January month birthday when sorry from sell Mr yourself see our afford anybody each price very buy