新加坡中二英语词汇Vocabulary Secondary Express 2词汇表

新加坡中二英语词汇Vocabulary Secondary Express 2词汇表
rhythm rhyme catchy pitch decrescendo crescendo crest climax orchestra composer lyricist manipulative treacherous persuasive discreet so as to cordial formal jovial strained drain pained overpower obstruct breathless stifle possessive conscientious conciliatory contentious concise Family Court maternal paternal external internal nursing foster biological confederate compatriot confidant crony ups and downs confide broken-hearted compassionate impress afflict break up with summit merchandise compound cargo dinner jacket trench coat straitjacket jacket overcoat poncho pullover sashay ramble stroll sway ballet stiletto track shoe flip-flops cardigan jumper shawl tunic knitted chequer chequered polka dot striped lengthen trim cropped hem ankle dapper plush posh chic deck out embellish attached preen arrayed greenhorn freshman novice cadet campus orientation credentials charisma calibre scattered scheme scuffle scuttle misunderstanding uncultured boisterous tenacious absence unruly dignity esteem earn smithereens segment spatter chunk smash psychology philosophy mission vision pedestrian recur audacious incorrigible reckless defiant domination jurisdiction command authority bully impressionable perceptible possible touchy lingua franca tongue patois slang sick taint bane gain ruin spiteful opposition contempt defiance reverse refuse resist repel norm conventional peer pressure stress peer tremendous curtailment restriction curfew imposing menace hazard killjoy woe guidance anarchistic rebellious radical longevity publicity maturity puberty conceited dynamic plaintive churlish fussy critical testy impatient sensational diplomatic proficient masterful sensitive charismatic bewitching influential potent contemporary newfangled visionary possessed precise poised placid composure forthcoming contagious gregarious subversive in the company of sanguine collected serene crisis scrupulous meticulous fastidious cautious toady pleasing ignoble bootlicker blameless innocent ignorant naive motive ulterior repressive agreeable amicable amiable aloof concerned conniving presumptuous unassuming pretentious assertive modest aggressive agitated anxious active pester salesperson controversial hawkish intrepid apprehensive disturbed timorous capricious
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