新加坡中二英语词汇Vocabulary Secondary Express 2词汇表

新加坡中二英语词汇Vocabulary Secondary Express 2词汇表
latter later escapade escape infirm affirm inflict stay live human break brake immerse emerge fetch take lay lie painkiller proposed cordon off essay bibliography quote contribution oldie feature stylish elevate alleviate canvass canvas site cite reward credit pendent pendant rummage ransack leaving living illusion allusion emigrate migrate insure ensure wry rye course bear bare elicit illicit illegible imminent eminent scared sacred council levy levee rescuer fax enhance judgment check with foil turkey somehow beat go on main course out back agree feminine shoelace role devise assess access wrap rap conscience dessert desert dairy diary wiles while advise advice plumb plum accept except palpitate flutter tick ebb screech scream shout emergency brake mellifluous savoury vocal cello composition cacophony symphony mixture stomp stamp patter strapping fondling lap grazing squeak tweak creak peep groan moan howling bawl toddler crumble withered crinkle snap scarf clang peal clap corridor bound rehearse practise jamming blare pub peregrination milk run getaway junket assembly ensemble attire materialistic avaricious prudent thrifty budget shoestring backpacker enthralling gratifying charming tempting spellbinding sluggish languid stolid tardy dramatic furious fervid globetrotter vagabond arbitrator umpire abide disclosure exposure liability threat claustrophobic technology hydrophobic xenophobic device technological ingenuous advanced fertile think out of the box innovative breakthrough promotion surge built-in net upsurge upstage sale sharp drop meteoric hurried nimble popularity camouflage coverage coating permission admission reception availability primordial backward obsolete communicate programmer technician hacker surfer referred to confidential decipher perturbation intervention disruption intrusion empire attestation testimony evidence basis burial Stonehenge indicate enclosure arena greenery concrete benchmark monument landmark milestone best-known Sydney Opera House cosmopolitan planetary universal cosmic idealistic idealise idyllic
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