
main frequently in most cases at other times most usually on the whole some every in general namely as a matter of fact in fact and the like etc. and so on for instance such as in other words that is to say that is both and as well as neither nor either or quadrillion trillion milliard billion thousand weekend weekday week volume vertical value unshaded unknown unit twice turn triangle trapezium total multiplication sign thrice thousandth therefore The rest tessellation tessellate tenth symmetrical symbol surface area surface sum supplementary angle subtraction STRAIGHT LINE sticker statement state stand for wire stamp whole number square root square sphere proper fraction spend profit speed product polygon point solve perpendicular solid perimeter sign side percentage show percent pentagon pay share pathway path shaded parallelogram shade parallel line set square paper clip semicircle a pair of selling price packet sold sell oval second original scalene triangle order saving sale once salary odd number round off octagon rope right-angled triangle obtuse angle right angle numerator ribbon rhombus remainder sequence pattern reflex number line simplify reduce rectangle receive ratio radius multiplication quotient times multiply quadrilateral multiple quadrant month protractor mixture mixed number greater mix graph minute gram minus sign geometry subtract minus fraction milliliter midpoint formula metre method measurement measure fill mass find margin diagram figure marble factor loss face exterior angle exterior express litre expenditure symmetry exactly line exact even number length evaluate left estimate equivalent common multiple equilateral triangle least equal sign largest equal kilometer earn kilogram eraser isosceles triangle each interest interior angle a dozen increase dotted line in all divisor improper fraction division hundredth divided divide horizontal distance common factor direction hexagon dimension hence digit height difference heavier diameter descending depth group denominator degree decrease decimal point decimal places cylinder cuboid cube root cube decimal cost price corresponding angle correct convert container contain completely complete compass compare day colour coin circumference circle