Longman Welcome to English 6A (朗文 WTE 国际版 6年级上册)词汇表

Longman Welcome to English 6A (朗文 WTE 国际版 6年级上册)词汇表
artist talented no matter matter inspire lead rich focus spotlight kid smart article medallist honour table tennis windsurfing game Olympic medal gold medal windsurf coach athlete history special kitchen together riddle stall customer role-play deal coupon match trousers cotton woollen handbag container website association picnic zip freezer waterproof nylon fold up fold drink silver fridge include set screwdriver hammer emergency bone easily touch hygienic pick up handle press server international prize product bright idea bright invention clever bowl glove belt chopsticks silk leather metal jade wood glass Chinese china bracelet knife telephone cost vase tourist canny stuff battery rechargeable stair bath shower lift life charity serious soft loud whether bottle reuse reduce sink leftover both environment improve poster excuse me stick stuck promise cut out branch as classmate may be thousands of sand walk along wrong what's wrong unhappy dripping turn up turn down air-con energy tap paper recycle protection environmental save difference celebrate sincerely educate government smell cockroach fly attract council complaint concern bin countryside dump quiet breathe leaflet aware horrible wake up soon keep on weak cause shock ought to own ought transport centre dirty can beach dying either or full of coughing cough thin bag plastic pavement spit engine selfish care about traffic fumes noise roadworks throw produce air pollution waste water waste factory rubbish smoke museum planet polluted pollution have to agree with agree guess guitar surf fill up spend scold too much advice poem else puppet Canadian Canada magazine profile good at money businessman business ballet dancer musician relaxing family Japanese Japan favourite fry chewing gum sushi vegetable fruit shape eraser thousand hundred girlfriend boyfriend hair brush once costume change England holder record mean