医学英语 文献阅读(一)词汇表

医学英语 文献阅读(一)词汇表
crease wrinkle bandage contour incision cosmetic deposit dysfunction crack manifestation sough alleviate astringency detestation blossom converge impair violation enliven depress courtyard flourish resuscitate nourish invigorate abide advocate excel participation compassionate anticipate grieve distress incredibly expertise approach knowledgeable mission caregiver available alternative pursue appreciate stressful swallow decay dementia succumb geriatrics immortal predictable expectancy lecturer in demand palliative intervene explicit dedicate hostile air dame intervention aggressive take priority over existence prolong decent influential pen allusion humane catch on hospice squander self-actualization solitary loner handicapped veteran adversity bounce back resilience vomit nausea vessel bloodstream iodine manifest insulin sulfate substitute application latex foreign injection serum wheeze present symptom prescription set off anaphylaxis exposure hives rash itchy offender adverse medication offending immune sulfa side effect allergic allergy stock depletion soaring chad malnutrition haemorrhage lancet hygiene priority surveillance license get on with leadership institution incentive antibiotic penicillin scourge wake up malaria tuberculosis AIDS unprecedented drug resistance toddler syringe formula lactose electrolyte diaper ibuprofen croup appetite sneeze congested pacifier vaccine prescribe pediatrician foul diarrhea tug fussy disinfectant electrocardiogram arrhythmia pacemaker defibrillator pager asthma exertion syncope red flag hockey puck erratic chaotic inherit syndrome compress artery coronary myocardium Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy cardiomyopathy ventricular fibrillation out of control fibrillation ventricular autopsy coroner precaution screening cardiac arrest cardiac abnormality defect blood circulation massage infectious chronic transitional intellectual sustained spearhead prevalent respectively immune system on the rise sub health diagnosis