The Art of Unix Programming - Unix编程艺术词汇表

The Art of Unix Programming - Unix编程艺术词汇表
distinction David conversion content aware automate amount abstract xslt wrapper website trouble transport thin spot separation save Richard reliable procedure pay past obsolete matter lead interaction increasingly impossible grammar generic fundamental fall fail edition draft discoverable debug cross create count component centered audience algorithm accordingly xsl via supporting review response replace reader quickly primarily orthogonality notoriously notation notably neither lesson left leading hex half graphical generator family failure email certainly batch area applied ANSI variant unless tree took success step semantics role print practical path notice nevertheless necessarily near length learned install extended expressive essential connected concept comment combination casual carefully care cache bug block again visible usage transaction target specify select remember registry rapidly pipeline perfect passing ordinary matching match location introduction industry hold gcc further foundation fast elegant ease designer cover convention came calculator arpanet structural solve slow property previous parse lists law interpret inside included implicit follow FAQ fairly economy demand definition challenge bottom background wrote understanding thought successful slave processor place personal originally necessary natural minor market instance imperative force extension direction direct desktop dec deal commercial attention action wrong went unlike tendency spam representation question provided mean load independent increasing higher description declarative communicate ask worse trivial survey surprising status specifically required product pike newbie movement mouse maintain let historical framework exactly etc established driver disk despite custom copyright buffer attempt anyone allow accidental tell string stallman show ship runtime recent presentation pair otherwise numbers life late huge gimp fit failed closely choose CGI advice