The Art of Unix Programming - Unix编程艺术词汇表

The Art of Unix Programming - Unix编程艺术词汇表
postmaster polish pod picture phenomenon pervasive payload partition parc pager overkill odds observation obey novel nonexistent newsgroup narrow multi motivated moment minimalist Mike medium maxim max manifesto maintainable mailing log limit legend legacy lee leaving labor keyword keystroke judgment johnson ini info indispensable independently incremental incompatible imply ill ieee ideological hobbyist hide hence helper hearing heard headed harmful graceful gatekeeper frequent formally flex fight fed falling eyeball explore explain experiment expense expand emulate economics distinguish dialog diagram deduce decline death configurable condition comprehensive composed competition competing clutter clone checked category bulky brought brief border bidirectional bias beauty beautiful aka agile afterwards advertising adaptation actor activity accordance academic academia workstation wisdom willing width widespread wider weight waste visually visibility vice verify var unknown tremendous traffic tradeoff trace told thirty thick team taught tabular static soon social soap snark sig shall setting serialization seek rogue robust richer resulting religion reflected receiver rapid quote publishing prefix precision possibility portion population pointed phase patriarch osi osd optimal opening notion multiuser month mmu mix mistake metadata mature matched manipulate mainstream lookup lives literally literal lifetime lib leverage lesser largest lab interrupt initially infectious indication increased incorporated inconvenient inc imaging ides hundred holder highly hello harness handful furthermore floating finished fancy fallen extract experimental exchange excessive essence equal enlightened emphasis dict derivation deployment delivery deep dedicated declare decade debate dangerous consist considering confidence concerned concentrate compilation comparison combine cleaner clause button buggy bound binding bear barely attachment anticipated anonymous analog alone air age adapt actively according