The Art of Unix Programming - Unix编程艺术词汇表

The Art of Unix Programming - Unix编程艺术词汇表
chained cellphone cdrom cautionary Catherine catching cascade CAM cadre cable bye butler bus burdensome burdened brown broke broadcast broad British beck beautifully baud batchy banquet banner baggage backspace backing backfire assimilate assignment assign assembly aspect artist arrogance arrive arrangement arnold Armageddon amazing altogether alt allocation alleged algorithmic alert album aix aim AIDS agreement agree aggressive aggregate advertise advent administrative adjacent adequate ADA acquire acknowledged acknowledge ack accustomed accomplished academe abuse absorbing abolish yielding yield xvi winning wildcard wiki wife wholesale whichever whereas welch wandering wake visibly virus violation vim vga vertical vehicle vector van valid unsigned unrestricted unreliable unreadable unprecedented union unfamiliar undoubtedly understandable underpowered underneath underlayer unconscious uncomfortably unchanged unambiguous unable toss timing timeless tightly thoughtful thoroughly thesis thereafter terse tangled Talbot sight shutdown shallow serving segment scroll screw satisfied samba salus refusal reconcile recognizable rebel reasoning realization readability react rationale radius quasi purchase pull publish proud pasting paste passive pascal palatable paint painless painfully pain packaging overwrite outboard originate orbital opt opposition operator opacity omit October occur numbered null notify nontrivial noisy nigh newsreader necessity nearby mechanical measured math masked marshal mantra manifest mal majority magical limiting likewise lighter licensed leonard legendary legally lay latest lapin koan knowledgeable kirk justified justice journey journal Jon joke JCL January jack infix infinite indirection incorporation incomplete imagination idle identity identification ideally hurry hook holy hit hire heuristic heroic heller hear heap guard greg greatly grained gopher glob glance ghost generalization gem firmly fiction fellowship fellow feller feet feed fear fair failing