The Art of Unix Programming - Unix编程艺术词汇表

The Art of Unix Programming - Unix编程艺术词汇表
quirky quip quest qualified quadratic qua profession prod proceeds proceed probing probable privatization pristine prior printout Princeton preordained prefixed preferable predominantly predispose predictor predictive precedent precaution preamble pico picker physically phototypesetting phototypesetter photographic photograph phoenix philosopher phenomena Peter paperwork panoply pan paleolithic pal painted paging padding packing paced oxymoron oxford owen overwork overwhelmingly overt oversimplification overshoot overrun overriding obtuse obtrude obstreperous obsessive observance observable obscurity obnoxious oblivious objection north nonetheless nonempty nonconformism noncommercial nntp nmu nlc ninety newsletter Newman nest ness nephew Neolithic neighborhood neighbor negligible neglect negate needless navigator navigation national natal NASA naked nak mythology mystical mundane multiply multiplicative multilingual muddy muddled mpe mouth mounting motherhood Moses mobilize mobile mistrust missionary misplaced misplace mismatch mismanagement misleading misc MIS mirage minute mini mine mimic millennium militate mileage mild mighty MIDI microcode michael mice MHz metarule metal meritocracy meretricious Mercury matrix matrices mathematician mate matchless mastery massage mary marx marvelous Martin marketplace marketer margin manure manipulable manifestation mandatory mandated manageable malign male makeshift Magi magazine macroprocessor machismo mace legion legendry legality legalese leaves lease learnable leapt leaky leadership LCD lasting lash laser laptop lao lang landmark lance lambda laden knock knives knack kludge king kinder keypunch keppel karlsruhe karl justly jurisdiction jungle June juggle juggernaut judges judgement jsp joystick joyous journeyman journalism jones Jonathan joking Joe jewel jetliner jeff jay jarvis Japanese jammed jail Jacob ity isolating isolate irritation irrevocable irregular IRA insular instrument instructional institutional institution institute instantiate instantaneous inspect insecure INS infect inextricably inexperienced inexperience inevitable inelegant indulge