现实世界中的HTML5 & CSS3词汇表

现实世界中的HTML5 & CSS3词汇表
wrap resort snippet rating sign already commonly formed debate previously touched action across encode endanger area text trick anchor material decision button spinner translate circle debug simple comprise note tab instance millisecond input concern mark circumstance complete convention exceed lot principle release pixel include slider title require appear starter requirement draft state failing following progressively really estelle mostly equation remaining side mode layer picture customarily preview hold safari painting asterisk publication some vendor mean mixed submission through context believe equally halfway with blur exact touchscreen namely behavior letter wait illustration fixed determined program altitude associate ultimately defer supporting selector acknowledgement GIF multipage database spending metadata corner happen distance figure that stipulate semantic possible pop php constant nth initial pay what check visiting size information performance FAQ centered arguably green longer detect ensure built better listen cool closely importantly reach reusable aware triggered center invaluable cut background plenty ten checked contact used ideal inconsistent script edit buffer represent continue event nonsupport indicate explode squirrel pause show issue detail draw save descriptor fall position current comment default prevent angle bone guideline desire enhancement short recommendation occur interaction hard video xxx javascript were without strictly preferred wrote building interest pty again its password chart playback somewhere setting degree grouping imagine iteration wish cutting itself justify hexadecimal blue tel incorrect scary iphone perhaps identifier plane worth completely separated rainbow read notation period four enter fit eye build modify latitude currently annotate focused textual spinning ever remove refresher expanded interact trend exactly light less broad
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