The Hard Thing About Hard Things词汇表

The Hard Thing About Hard Things词汇表
incur metaphor metrics crippling linear solo consensus arbitrary peril integration equity inertia tuning subtle swamp verbally gofer entail inherited mandatory conduct screen monotonous heyday articulation deliberation choke unethical courage layman ace stereotype rope roll preserve bullet hatch veteran tidal incremental sting dodge lobby hell-bent sabotage intense demotion bleed entrust maneuver misinterpret refrain sugarcoat equivocate inconsistency decent heck notion reconcile tequila busted sadistic agitation overwhelm nutty violation requisite consecutive maxim dormant fatal shallow proportional inversely butt nuance pole rally demeanor abyss trailing guts checkers pliable ashen prudent Jupiter exception convey ego franchise fiduciary opt furious uncanny deceptive bluff rub suitor skeptical hypothetical lieutenant purgatory vulnerable wax dwindle martial undivided frenzy paradoxically hardwired mastery sloppy truck frat layover ecstatic curt component debate delist circuit capital reverse downright initial livid artificial armor complacent implication snag conjecture share van incorporated imperative directory methodology spiked stunned throne nibble terror momentum crumble catastrophic autism lag IPO monopoly restricted brutal broccoli provision gigantic desperate refined remnant socket doomed deconstruct replication speculate nadir gracious euphoria disastrous hedge irreparable sticky inflict barn bundle plummet upset quixotic distressed hence quest toast expense bankruptcy horrible ultimate controller acquired trump collaboration allergic bandwidth hernia bubbly seamless materiality grip gruff crashing NASDAQ valuation devastating hallway dumb capitalization peewee meticulous schizophrenia status entitlement hit tardiness portion drum hilarious predicament audacious bass reassure frown gutless militaristic obnoxious bully empathy prism tribulation communist adhere appeal drenched housing nonetheless scuffle plea dedication dunno outrage recipe incisive indicator lagging incentive articulate profanity perception torture quarterback spectacular underlying portal