on the road词汇表

on the road词汇表
mundane anthropologist rut blunder dwarf rustle nostalgia rule out leniency lenient differentiate halo intrusion endorse dweller adornment arbiter impinge bible stereotype palliate alleviate relief relieve zigzag tragedy comedy transferable have some bearing on bearing assault scapegoat escape cape capacity incapable casualty divorce exhausted weary bellyful keep abreast of breadth abreast virus robust vigorous symposium tumble stumble upon stumble across stumble motto slogan refreshing refreshment practitioner predecessor forerunner pioneer nonsense nervous nerve remold mold microscope lung joint connection conjunction disjunction junction lest install inset inject into injection inject component factor ingredient hydrogen incompetent hemisphere be hostile to hospitality fume contradictory confront frontier aroma flavor diligent scrupulous in earnest earnestness earnest famine drought digestive digest paradoxical self-contradictory scary appalling nasty fearful dreadful Catholic circulation circulate brake bureaucrat bureaucracy arbitrary more or less approximately approximate bold amendment vocabulary alphabet annoy irritate agitated agitate be attached to affiliation affiliate therapist therapy superficial patrol petrol sketch shrinkage shrink for the sake of forsake sake repent of resentment resent protein ratio portion orbital orbit descendant heir posterity offspring molecule shelter Pearl Harbor harbor eyebrow quantitative quantity ordinary plateau plain episode incidental incidence incident glitter beam radiate glowing glow foremost forecaster cast prophet predict be destined to be doomed to fatal entertaining entertainer entertainment extravagant extract undistracted distract escalate accelerated accelerate essence substantiate substantially substantial infrequently occasionally approve consent sanction licence operational rational credential craftsman shortcoming drawback defect lapse at fault fault faulty be committed to commit oneself to community commitment commit committee congress the Lower House parliamentary parliament accurate precision precisely precise defendant defender defend reduce reduction participate in participatory participation participate morality virtuosity virtually virtual virtue prolong a bunch of bunch qualify specific distinct indefinitely indefinite chronological theological astrological pathological