The Chronicles of Narnia 纳尼亚传奇1-2词汇表

The Chronicles of Narnia 纳尼亚传奇1-2词汇表
beard firewood moor headland steer tackle oblige coarse stocky haul plunge flounder stern current twang archery blunder quiver tournament coronation coronet brooch tusk shelve splinter dusky draught slap mole tapestry jigger margarine hump feast dais rhododendron hermit gull promontory plod anemone crumbly nettle wasp quarry consort valiant hag remnant revelry merman bear bluish stopper undo onset din newcomer foe streak bay hound hedgehog bustle saccharine muck gap rubble ransack dungeon haystack drat neigh coo squeal bray plumage indigo hind prodigious hindquarter prop battlement giddy gorse briar romp treachery incantation gnaw cord fondle muzzle vulture foul flurry gallop spectre rabble vile skirl hoist surge snip dismay howl gibber scout perish overturn forfeit sceptre engrave Firestone crave court dewy boulder whizz rank Minotaur ogre boggle ghoul yew smear brute flaming slash grip snarl snap swing purr velvet hastily standard pelican crimson pavilion slab blister overpower hawthorn thicket thrush bluebell kingfisher transparent moisture primrose beak chirrup vicious snowdrop birch glade elm beech flick slush growl thaw chatter rustle indulgence gluttony vermin squeak gaiety plum creak swish archway repulsive hunk brat pip sizzle cordial sheath hilt ramp sluice crumble bramble earthy crock stammer tread bristle flight club lithe centaur satyr gloat pooh venture turret dunce bruise bark shin skid shuffle jolly sledge decoy treacherous mane pedlar stratagem dearie contentment marmalade lump mortar trowel shear oilskin gum bunk snug dripping trout whisk pail burry beehive festoon wreath icicle spurt wavy trifle tickle beckon dodge alight robin larder fraternize premise harbour occupant shred crockery char heap