纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表

纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表
leggy unsteady gatehouse unstrung leisure unsuitable hamlet unsympathetic leman untasted gaunt untiring lengthen untying faintness unwilling lengthwise unwinking Gawd upset letitia upsetting hammered upstroke levy usage gayest usurp liable utility tain liberty gazer licence handclasp licking gear lief faints lifeboat gee lifeless handicapped lifelike gen lifetime babyish likelihood gentilesse lilac hangdog lilt gentlemanly limb fairway limerick gentleness linen hanged liner gentry linger takings link geography lintel hanger lioness gesture lipstick faith liquefy ghostly liquor hardship lisp giddy lo syllable loading giggle loaf harmless loathe gilt loaves falcon lob girlish local harmony locking girt loftily talisman loiter girth loll hasten longish gist lookout fallow looming glacier loosely hatted loquacious gladness loquacity babylonian lounge glassful loyalty haughty lullaby glassy lull falsehood lumber glen luminous haunch lunged glimmer lunge talkative lurch glimmering haversack glisten falter glitter hawking gloat cactus globe hazard glue fame glum hazardous gluttony tally gnat hazy goal fantastic gobble headless goblin bachelor goggle headlight goldwater fare goods headlong gooseberry tan gore headmaster gorgeous farmhouse government headquarters gown swordsmanship gr headway grammatical farmstead grandmother headwind grandsire tang grapefruit healer graph farthest grassland healing grateful background gratify hearken gratitude fascist gravy hearthrug graze tantivy Greek heartless greenhouse fashionable greeny heath greyish cairn grieve heaviness grieved fastening grimace hedge grime tapir grog hedgerow groove fasting grotesque hell grounding backyard grouse helper grovel fatherly grudge helpless gruff taps grumbling hem guarded fattest guffaw henceforth guidance sweaty guiltless hereditary guilty faulty gulf heron gully target gulp hesitation gush fawn guts hiccup bagged highborn fawning hinny