纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表

纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表
tarry hip fearless hippopotamus calor hire featherless hitch tasselled hittite February hive baggy hives feeb HM tattered hoard feigned hobble swarm hoist fellowship holla tax Holmes female homecoming bait homelike fence honesty te honeycomb fencing hooded cambric hooky fern hooter team hoover ferry hopeful bake hopelessness ferryman hor teapot horny festoon horrified swap hors fetching horseback tearful horsehair fetlock horsey balcony horsy fiddler hospitality teetotaller hotel fiddlestick hothouse campaign hotly fiddling hottest telephone Hove fidget hover bale howlet fidgety hubbub teller hulk fief humane swank humanity fifteenth hummock tempest humour fighter humph balk humpy financial hundredth tempting hurl fingering hurricane campfire hushed Firestone hussy tentacle hustle firkin hut balloon hysterics fitter terrier fjord swagger Flagstaff terrific flagstone balls flake terrifically flannel camphor flared thankfully flatter balustrade flatterer thanksgiving flattery sustaining flattish thatch flavoured bane flea theatre fleece camping flexible theorbo flicker banister flickering theory flooding suspiciously floodlit therein flourish banneret fluid thereof foggy candlestick fondle thermometer football bannister footman thief footpath suspicion footstep thigh fop barbarous forbear thimble forbid cannon forbidding thinker forbore barefooted forcible thinnest forefeet suspend foreigner thirdly foremost bareheaded forepaw thirteenth foresee canny foresight thither forlorn bargain formation threaten former survey formidable thrilling forsaken barge fortieth throttle foundation canoe founding thrush foxglove baron fragrant thunderbolt frail surrounding fray thymy freckle barrel freeze ti frequent canvas freshen ticking freshwater base fricassee tidal frill surprisingly fringe tidy fringed basement frizzle tigress frolic caper frothy tike frowsy basketful fruiterer timed fulfil surpass fumbling timid furnishings bast furniture tin fussy captaincy