纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表

纳尼亚传奇(The Chronicles of Narnia) 全七册 词频大全词汇表
cutter plump shambling plug cymbal plucky shamble pleat sha pleasantry sew playmate seventeen player sepulchre playbox sentiment playact sentimental plated sensitive plaster senior plash seneschal plank semi plague selves placid selected pitiless select pitiful seldom pith seemingly pitching dyke securely dye pitcher dwelling secrecy dweller pistol dung secondbest dunce pinion dumpling sec duel ping ducky seashore duchess pineapple drowse searchlight droves pilgrim drooping sear driver pike drinkable seaport drill pigmy drier seaman drenching pier dreamily sealed dread pierce draughty seabeach dratted pickax drat scurvy drape piano dragonfly scurry drab physics dowry scullion downy photograph downstairs scuffle downpour photo dotty scruff dost phosphorescence dossier scrub dose phoenix dormitory scrounge doorpost philosopher doomed script donkeyish phantom dogged scribble doddering phantasm document scree dn petal divinely scrap dividing pester ditch scowl disturbance perspiration distrust scourge distressing persistent distraught scour distract perpetual distinguish scorpion distilled permit disquieting scorching disquiet perky disputation scorch displeasure perk dispatcher schoolmaster dispatch perish disorder schoolgirl disobedience peril dislodge schoolfellow dishevelled perceive disgusted schoolchildren disgraceful peppery disenchant schoolboy disenchanted peppermint discussion schedule discourteous pepper discourse sceptre discouraging pennant discourage scarves disconsolate penknife discolour scar disclose peninsula discernment scapegrace disburse pelican disarming scape disapprove peewit disappearance scandal disagreement peeling directly scandalous directed pedlar dipping awhile scalp awestruck dimly awesome pedestal aware diminish awaken scald avouch diligent avenue peddling automatically digger authority scab aunty digestion auntie peculiar auction dictate attract sayest attitude dibble attentive pearly attendance devour attached Saxon atlas devoid asylum peal astronomer devilry astrolabe savoury astonishing deucedly astir peacemaker assy