The Economist(经济学人)高频词汇(全)词汇表

The Economist(经济学人)高频词汇(全)词汇表
egregious whirr periphery tailspin belt-tightening knock-on overhaul nudge dumb apprentice heap virility prowess pullout clutter mantra stuff with scant podium under the aegis of pod zoom dystopia stupefy keep tabs on defer vested eschew unlooked-for proponent abet incipient every nook and cranny flatten forthcoming bottom-up top-down boulder higgledy-piggledy boulevard dictum polarize paragon break ground go about pilfer novelty elation plunder callous shackle shack serpent senile seizure sedate scurry scorch relent pedigree pebble pavilion pastel panorama pamper palate ordain alacrity onerous occult nautical mindful metallic marvel manic mahogany macabre compare formula constituency siege Catalan speaker assemble throw sale thing heart pour transistor cluster endure accusation campaign sound boast taste pressed surrender launching Tibet therapy Matthew Romania lean revolution inclined signing priced peaked Thames disability idle haul transparent painted institute warner suited patchy musical confined finger readily rotten assured error remove dealing Syrian blame tower row overturn exist veteran ted competent steam looking civil populism ceremony brilliant dioxide innovation panel privileged Austria levy lake acquisition decree filling award drove terminal envoy revealing extensive strategic laos earliest hence smuggling woo cosy Houston action alter doomed fewer traveller robot translate gap recruit owe strict tight ignore likely designer misery offspring sadly turbine unwilling actor something wheel architect tactic belonging homeless offence scratch classic leap Zimbabwe convenient collaboration declaration revenge windfall accountability disrupt mall non-profit deciding industrial messy mount landed observation insider undermine tighten unexpected devolve insist implication Nazi reveal serve enjoy grant cheer faction category strategy protein permit fancy likelihood viable shortfall regain threw dire enthusiastic fraction excuse temporarily compensate closest imposing legally refugee flee