
sundae cone essence cocoa condensed distilled mineral artificial chlorella honey lemon jasmine soft sarsaparilla ale ginger grapefruit asparagus milk coconut orange juice tomato beverage butter sashimi roast miso sake stone boil scramble over egg bacon escargot conch prawn meat crab kimchi vegetable pastry pudding omelette sum dim aperitif continental specialty special French cuisine toothpick fruit picnic mug glass cup knife spoon soup chopsticks bowl saucer plate dish caddy cloth table napkin towel pot menu restaurant extra dollar price provide major include solid vacancy offer hotel book peak occupancy guarantee address name fully available presidential deluxe suite shower bath kind date party intend elevator gift separately straight identification file prepare mind list firmly return remember registration mention enjoy pleasant wish allow lead show carry madam bellboy welcome guest receive company tool chest hydraulic oil can pump vacuum cleaner trash can air pump squeegee fill filling petrol gas room district country capital east ahead of floor number lane street section road north south west in the direction of go down go back go along toward go through cross opposite junction in back of in front of between adjacent to next to beside corner at the corner at the end of ahead location object thing door match wall house behind on in where block turn empire left right center run over crash collide slight impact safety first traffic control silent hospital road works level crossing hump bridge private car parking safety island loop no entry speed limit excessive speed speed slow keep right turn right turn left cross road single pantomime traffic police police box green light red light mark milestone guide traffic hire round-trip destination bullet train token timetable Train Station traffic sign get lost take a taxi take the subway take a train platform couchette excursion through express network carriage coach sleeper buffet left-luggage guard