
eat in head home burn the midnight oil video game humor legend saga mystery serial headline fiction best-selling guidebook reportage biography horror movie paperback sob story science fiction magazine prime-time cartoon channel be addicted to episode sitcom main course leftover pub dress up appetizer take a taxi have a good time have fun love at the first sight fall in love with hang out go out with bout stadium ice skate bathing suit marathon volleyball basketball tennis court spectator football soccer athlete game match box office trailer r-rated block instrument popular theater camera take a picture ferris wheel circus firework merry-go-round roller coaster amusement park traffic jam soap opera grocery convenience store shopaholic blind date work out attraction travel refresh wind down date variety show reality show esthetic parlor massage gym yoga hair salon volunteer work second job certification lesson concert hangover mixer microphone karaoke remote control tavern worth one's salt leave of absence housing allowance hobby hardworking forte trial period career loyalty tardiness improvement terminate dismissal lay off triumph shortcoming short list acumen punctuality struggle training session scrutinize strive pursue postgraduate minor in specialization income pregnant major in dependable competent educational background excellent marital status nationality native place reliable experience fringe benefits allowance quit go on strike job fair be assigned to demote hire occupy applicant bar exam be qualified to take over up-and-coming disease think highly of moonlight deduct be out of work social security welfare income tax before-tax full-time work ethic understaffed send off select transfer evaluation feedback interview paid vacation permission overtime flextime temporary renew workload headhunter part-time job retirement resign pay cut pay raise fired demotion working environment maternity leave self-evaluation payday performance human resource Personnel Department recruitment laborer casual laborer permanent salary wage retrenchment go into liquidation trade show journalist news conference forum charity dinner party corporate culture come along emergency catering gala per annum commendation solemn godspeed assembly fancy ball commemorative party banquet cocktail party attend regular tournament entertaining year-end repetitive reception funeral condolence wedding pass away chip in champagne organize beer pour congratulatory physical check-up on the job training golf toast bowling alley farewell party ceremony anniversary podium train of thought sidetrack illustrate go through