
take on board irrefutable pep talk summary pay attention to back and forth formulate check off addition reminder adjourn conference room comment report back time slot convene be charged with committee form remain a great deal draw to a close rule out clear up advocate jump in dismiss option implication beyond the scope of expand on allay by any means bring up in detail go into knee-deep outside the scope of with all due respect topic make sure take a beating recap in a minute synthesize moderator without further ado deal with at this point in time in depth memorandum circulate leg up revenue hold steady nosedive rethink cause contribute underlying feel free finish off after that conclude followed by clarify overview slide correspond to market share recommendation designed to run the show keep up with tweak just in case dive into with that culminate feature last but not least flexibility focus group visionary immediate take a moment relevant reality check say a few words get out there take a seat furthermore in terms of milestone look forward to marketing outreach initiative purpose key player applaud call it a day look over wrap up consensus conclusion explain audience emphasize persuade insist suggestion pros and cons present OHP table line graph bar graph figure graph pie chart engage take part in participate in get started proceeding positive raise one's hand disagree with pass out in favor of go along with odds cut to the chase appreciate one after another take responsibility make progress previous rehash constructive put down obviously understandable clear-cut pointless depend depend on absence presentation objective take a vote resume pause yawn take the minutes compromise oppose point out pitch in submit outline speak out read up on teleconference call on cut off beforehand on time notify roll call arrangement hangout presenter screen projector marker whiteboard jug attendee take notes move on subject agenda facilitator chairperson negotiation discussion convention meeting conference get-together fool around juice sorbet sundae cutlery straw sign for split the bill go Dutch hear from under the table external affairs take five black tea Decaf soda beverage carbonated drinks soft drink refreshment rumor whisper slurp Shoot the breeze mug coffee pot big mouth cosmetics take a nap digestion burger dessert off work cut in line wait in line hang around coffee strain for a change to go takeaway nap snack makeup restroom rooftop utility errand set meal arcade diner restaurant cafeteria lunchtime gossip eyedrops heavy smoker smoking room