Friends 老友记 第四季词汇表

Friends 老友记 第四季词汇表
wizard cilantro baguette sword eggshell devoid yam altar twisted plank pirate patch scratch cornea mumble sentence slam the door headset over the line sambuca eavesdrop deprive dwarf upbeat chimp infinite electrify yearn swallow grooming fluid transmission stern bow article soundproof helicopter bitchen naughty self-conscious keyboard funky smooth boil capture torture expire wuss eternity limo florist intermission pathetic bottom line endearing a pile of widow omelet crossbow rare velveteen wrapping paper era specialize in instructor aerobic spokesmodel initiate goat parade slit over the top fishnet germ broth my treat concept pneumonia fetch phlegm dope soccer varsity lay off hamster rehearse team up rerun stay up sneeze show off demonstrate unemployed freebie tango whore hit off end up with enormous knee tushy doomed work out spotter ball superintendent lingo portion sciatic quitter Swedish saggy flabby pec stomach washboard suck up to evict pedicure ankle bracelet make sense boy scout oath mess around forbidden sublet violate landlord plunger spandex Lycra confuse in session coverall unclog chute clog mishap sesame oil sesame poppy vas vivisection dormant ash spew lava igneous rock volcano ingredient casserole legend stingy rumor pulp stub swing patio vomit Homer straight a catch on vulcanize Vatican pope van gogh Walkman jeopardize pantsuit unlock scoot cuff tunnel bonus garbage hilarious phrase fingernail grief Nobel Prize unconstitutional classified encyclopedia decision-maker rave nail polish come along quiche bagel bump into stick around stick up for self-respect smidgen desperate bubble wrap rusty paddle brag futon reincarnate supportive stereo poster bend over architect wedgie coffin tummy canoe screen mascot glaucoma impressive property accountant profit entertainment center Italian stunning tetanus rip apostrophe ramble on mauve turn to stage fright step up swore swear gist unfaithful take responsibility for ammonia jellyfish holocaust thorough seahorse dried-up walk out on pregnant minty